How can I help you?
My customers are the heart and soul of my business! If you don't feel that I've built a strong relationship with you by the time we've sold or you purchased your home, then I haven't done my job!
My Credentials & Education & Training
- Georgia Licensed Realtor
- Owned & Operated Full Service Florist & Gift Boutique
- B.S. Recreation Mgmt; Georgia Southern University
Background Information
Hometown: I was born and raised in Brantley County Georgia, which is a sister county to Camden. Growing up in a rural town has made me appreciate lots of the "little things" in life. Looking back some of my favorite times were spent helping my grandparents gather eggs from the chickens coops, raising baby chickens and quail, grinding sugar cane each year to make homemade syrup, and having a close-knit family unit.
As an adolescent, my parents instilled in me the basic values of trust, honesty, and integrity; these same values have carried over to my professional career and my basis for building relationships.
Family: My husband and I married in 1999 right out of college. His family goes back three generations here so we knew exactly where we wanted to start a family! We have two boys and they keep us very busy. During the summer months we spend lots of time on the water - Satilla River and Cumberland Island. The kids love the water too and camping out for the day on Cumberland Island or a sandbar along the Satilla River is a perfect day for us.